PACT-guided Microrobots For Targeted Navigation in Intestines In Vivo
Recently, tremendous progress in synthetic micro/nanomotors in the diverse environment has been made for potential biomedical applications. However, existing micro/nanomotor platforms are inefficient for deep tissue imaging and motion control in vivo. Collaborated with Caltech’s Prof. Wei Gao, we have developed a PACT-guided microrobotic system, which provides real-time navigation for microrobots in vivo, accomplishes controlled propulsion and prolonged cargo retention in vivo. PACT has visualized the migration of micromotor capsules toward the targeted regions in real time in vivo. The integration of the developed microrobotic system and PACT enables deep imaging and precise control of the micromotors in vivo and promises practical biomedical applications, such as drug delivery. The research results have been published in Science Robotics (4 (32): eaax0613, 2019).
A microrobotic system guided by photoacoustic computed tomography for targeted navigation in intestines in vivo, Science Robotics (2019) 4 (32): eaax0613, 1–11
Photoacoustic computed tomography guided microrobots for targeted navigation in intestines in vivo, Proc. SPIE 11240, Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2020, 112402R, (BEST PAPER AWARD)